‘Third generation’ of MICE companies in China?

CHINA’S nascent MICE industry is coming into its own as MICE players ditch labour-intensive ways for modern tools, in what has been hailed as the birth of a “third generation” of MICE.

These comments were made at the formal launch of the China Smart MICE Group this week, with CEO David Chen expressing hope that his company will be a pioneer in a new generation of smart MICE industry players as it harnesses IT to provide holistic solutions for MICE businesses.

Chen commented that the first generation of MICE in China came about before 2002, when professional MICE companies did not exist and MICE travel was regarded as high-end travel.

But between 2002 and 2014 came the second generation that witnessed embryonic forms of MICE travel product, though the lack of service and product differentiation resulted in price wars.

However, while the absence of an effective regulatory mechanism is the main obstacle to the MICE industry today, Generation 3.0 will see a departure from labour-intensive and differential pricing-driven profit models and will incorporate the high-tech tools of today’s workplace – cloud computing, mobile technology and big data analytics – to understand consumers’ needs and provide cost-effective, legally compliant and holistic solutions.

Supported by Phoenix Travel Group and Legend Capital, China Smart will focus businesses in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and extend its reach to neighbouring cities to offer a range of services.

This includes MICE products, PR events, business customisation, auxiliary systems development and business network receptions.

Translated by Ong Yanchun from the original TTG China e-Daily, February 10, 2015 article

By Nadia Chung

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