Knowledge is power

Amelia Roziman, CEO of BESarawak, outlines the bureau’s intention to further develop the long-term legacy impact of business events with the help of its International Journal of Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL)

Could you provide insights into the motivation behind BESarawak’s decision to launch the IJBEL in 2022 and the goals it aims to achieve through this publication?
The International Journal of Business Events and Legacies (IJBEL) was launched by Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) in 2022 with the dual purpose of establishing a formal platform for knowledge exchange between academia and industry in the business events sector, and showcasing the transformative power of business events in creating lasting legacies.

BESarawak recognised the need for a dedicated publication that would bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications in the business events domain. IJBEL emerged as a solution, providing a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, exchange ideas, and advance the understanding of business events and their impact on communities.

The journal’s inception was also driven by a desire to redefine the perception of business events, shifting the focus from mere tourism drivers to catalysts for positive change. BESarawak sought to establish IJBEL as a channel for documenting and promoting event legacies, highlighting the ability of business events to generate long-term economic, social, and environmental benefits.

Through a strategic partnership, a collaboration between International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA), Professional Convention Management Association, Sarawak Research University, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Curtin University Malaysia, Goyang CVB, The Iceberg by Joint Meetings Industry Council, and the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts of Sarawak, IJBEL has gained access to a wealth of expertise and resources, enabling it to effectively tap into the global business events network.

The journal’s scope extends beyond knowledge dissemination. It aims to demonstrate the significance of business events at both the micro and macro levels. IJBEL serves as a platform for showcasing how business events can foster innovation, promote economic growth, and enhance community well-being.

Today, IJBEL has evolved into a collaborative space where key stakeholders from government, industry, academia, and the media come together to advocate for the importance of event legacies. The journal stands as a testament to Sarawak’s leadership in the business events sector and serves as a powerful voice for the global business events community.

How has the response been to the journal since its launch, both from the business events industry and the academic community?
We’ve garnered a lot of interest since launching the journal, evident from our on-time issue releases. We’ve had contributions from various associations from Malaysia and around the world, including CVBs which jumped on board as strategic partners. From our discussions with strategic partners and authors, many share the belief that business events require a shift in perception and prove that the positive changes they create are louder than the delegate number and spending.

One of our objectives is to bridge the gap between academic and non-academic communities; these two have very different interests and pursuits but what we are witnessing with the presence of IJBEL is that the industry (who are not very familiar with journals, to begin with) are becoming interested to share their insights and resources to the journal.

These two communities are also collaborating with IJBEL to develop complementary events such as webinars, workshops and dialogues which we had at the 62nd ICCA Congress in Bangkok. There is still a lot more work to be done with IJBEL, but we have planted a seed and more business event players are willing to nurture that seed.

For those hosting events in Sarawak, the journal gives them a clear understanding of how the legacy and sustainability elements are being designed and implemented, therefore, they can carry this forward and apply it to their next event design to make a bigger impact.

Are there any plans to expand or evolve the initiative, and how does BESarawak envision the journal’s role in shaping the future of the business events industry?
Our vision for IJBEL is to elevate the learning and teaching experiences in the academic community. We aim for the journal to be widely recognised and utilised as a legitimate and credible learning and teaching tool. Lecturers and students should feel confident citing IJBEL in their academic work.

To achieve this goal, we are actively working towards indexing IJBEL into Scopus, the international citation database, and MyCite, the Malaysian citation database. This strategic move will position the journal as a reputable classroom resource, enhancing its credibility and usefulness in academic settings.

We are also actively working towards transforming the journal into a multimedia platform, embracing the digital era by incorporating various forms of media beyond traditional written text. This evolution will not only provide IJBEL with a unique competitive advantage, making sharing and learning more engaging, but it will also cater to a broader audience with diverse learning preferences.

Looking ahead, our plans include expanding the journal into a conference, inspired by successful models like the International Journal on Responsible Tourism by UCSI University, which led to the creation of the International Conference on Responsible Tourism and Hospitality. This expansion aims to facilitate broader knowledge sharing and make a more significant impact on the realms of business events, legacy, and sustainability.

Our envisioned role extends beyond scholarly discourse; we seek to influence governments to recognise the substantial impact of business events beyond mere economic and tourism contributions. The Sarawak Government’s recognition of our efforts exemplifies the potential for destinations to gain acknowledgment. IJBEL plays a crucial role in this narrative, serving as written evidence that business events and legacies offer viable solutions to contemporary challenges.

Has the journal influenced or shaped any specific policies, practices, or initiatives within the business events sector, either locally or globally, since its inception?
The journal has significantly impacted practices, with a notable example being its influence on how Malaysia and other nations perceive homegrown business events. A paper in the first volume addressed Daegu’s homegrown events, illustrating how the CVB’s steadfast support for such events catapulted Daegu into one of Korea’s premier convention cities.

Sarawak, at the forefront of supporting homegrown events during the pandemic, found validation in the Daegu case study. This substantiated our stance on homegrown events as a means of sustaining the industry and fostering the knowledge economy locally. Our pioneering approach has resonated beyond Sarawak, influencing other regions in Malaysia to continue supporting homegrown events post-pandemic.

Moreover, IJBEL has left an indelible mark on the global industry by reshaping perceptions of business events. No longer confined to being merely a subset of tourism, business events are now recognised as a catalyst for change. The journal has successfully demonstrated that these events go beyond drawing crowds – they inspire attendees to make a positive and enduring impact that serves a greater cause.

What sets IJBEL apart is its ability to bring together major associations, multiple universities, and even convention and visitor bureaus from different countries, fostering collaboration for the shared goal of affirming the significance of business events for destinations. It is a testament to the journal’s ability to transcend competitive dynamics and unite stakeholders in advocating for the importance of business events and emphasising the crucial role of legacy as a meaningful metric of success.

Apart from this journal, what strategies does BESarawak intend to implement in the coming years to further augment the long-term legacy impact of business events?
Currently in the inaugural year of our Legacy Impact Master Action Plan (Legacy MAP) 2023-2025, we are committed to ongoing efforts that align with and complement the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030. The Legacy MAP, slated for review in 2025, will be a pivotal component in shaping our approach.

The Post Covid-19 Development Strategy outlines growth targets across 13 sectors: six key economic sectors (manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, forestry, mining, services) and seven enabler sectors (digital transformation, innovation, education & human capital, basic infrastructure, utilities, transportation, renewable energy).

To amplify legacy impacts, key strategies include:

Securing strategic events: Identify and secure events strategically aligned with the six economic and seven enabler sectors to maximise desired impacts for Sarawak.

Embedding legacy goals: Integrate legacy goals into the design of event programmes, ensuring sustainability and the inclusion of legacy elements. This involves collaboration with our dedicated Legacy & Sustainability Unit.

Measuring and communicating legacies: Implement robust measurement mechanisms to assess and communicate legacies effectively. Establish a “legacy PR” initiative to cultivate a “legacy culture” and garner public commitments to support these efforts.

Continuous innovation: Innovate product and service delivery to remain responsive to market needs. Build a legacy ecosystem through ongoing capacity-building initiatives.

These strategies collectively form a comprehensive approach to not only enhance the immediate impact of business events but to ensure a lasting legacy that contributes to the broader socio-economic development goals outlined in PCDS 2023.

Regarding community engagement, what approaches or programmes does BESarawak plan to implement to strengthen the connections between business events and the local community?
The backbone of our community engagement efforts continues to be the Tribe Legacy Sarawak campaign. This initiative focuses on forging a collective legacy by fostering partnerships that enhance the value of business events and contribute to community development. Building upon this foundation, we will intensify our commitment to the ‘Books Build Legacy’ Corporate Social Responsibility programme, exploring cross-industry collaborations to broaden its impact.

We will also continue ensuring that hosted business events provide opportunities for local small- and medium-sized enterprises to promote their products and next year with the Association Impact Masterclass, we aim to continue growing the talent pool with certified legacy experts.

A noteworthy addition to our initiatives is the planned Legacy Day in 2024. This event will serve as a platform to showcase the industry’s accomplishments in creating legacies and demonstrate how these efforts contribute to society at large. Our overarching commitment is to place legacy impact at the forefront of our strategic and tactical endeavours, emphasising the enduring positive effects on both the business events sector and the local community.

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